Animal Conservation
This unit will explicitly step students through the skill of reading and analysing multimodal texts. This unit uses the texts ‘The Dream Of The Thylacine’ by Margaret Wild and ‘One Careless Night’ by Christina Booth. These texts are rich and complex and combine written and visual elements to explore a powerful story and provocative ideas about the natural world and the challenges facing specific species. Students will practice the skills of predicting, inferring and summarising and will explore how language and text structure is used to shape and make meaning. This unit creates opportunities for students to engage in deep discussions, and think in ways that are imaginative, creative and critical. These lessons can also be completed as a stand alone lesson and with another text of choice.
Animal Conservation
This unit will explicitly step students through the skill of reading and analysing multimodal texts. This unit uses the texts ‘The Dream Of The Thylacine’ by Margaret Wild and ‘One Careless Night’ by Christina Booth. These texts are rich and complex and combine written and visual elements to explore a powerful story and provocative ideas about the natural world and the challenges facing specific species. Students will practice the skills of predicting, inferring and summarising and will explore how language and text structure is used to shape and make meaning. This unit creates opportunities for students to engage in deep discussions, and think in ways that are imaginative, creative and critical. These lessons can also be completed as a stand alone lesson and with another text of choice.
Download Unit Summary- How can picture books convey information about historical events in an engaging way?
- Sustainability
- Ethical Understanding
- Literacy
- Critical and Creative thinking
- Personal and Social Capability